About Us
Unicorn Saddlery is one of the leading equestrian retailers and largest store in the South West and Somerset. With over 30 years of trading, we have built up a reputation for selling high-quality products, with a personal service that only comes from extensive experience and knowledge within the Saddlery trade.
Our friendly staff are all experienced horse owners and riders, with the ability to provide helpful, honest advice drawn from education and life experiences gained from over 100 combined years within the equine industry.
The Society of Master Saddlers (SMS)
We also have an SMS qualified saddle fitter with over 25 years of fitting experience. With over 300 high-quality saddles stocked from all the top names including Amerigo, Albion, Arena, Bates, Bliss of London, Erreplus, Prestige, Ideal, Bates, Black Country, Thorowgood, Kent & Masters, Fairfax, Vega, Equipe and our very own Unicorn Brand. Our outstanding selection and services are second to none.
The Society of Master Saddlers (UK) Ltd was formed in 1966 to serve as a Trade Association for the craft retail saddler but has since embraced all aspects of the Trade. The Society's aims are to safeguard the quality of work, services, training and qualifications of all those who work in the saddlery trade from manufacturers and retailers through to individual craftspeople and saddle fitters.
British Equestrian Trade Association (BETA) Members
We are members of the British Equestrian Trade Association(BETA), a world-renowned trade association of professional companies. It was set up to serve the best interests of the equestrian industry, the individual rider and its members.
Since 1979, BETA has launched many initiatives, to the benefit of all in the equestrian world. Some of these include:
- Encouraging professionalism throughout the trade
- Establishing safety standards
- Providing training courses and information leaflets
- Commissioning in-depth research
- The promotion of riding
Our brand new store stocks everything you need including Saddles & tack, Clothing, Riding Equipment, Safety Equipments and more... Check out some photos of the store!

Please bare in mind no dogs are allowed in store, thank you.